About The Blog

Have you ever thought 'that's cool, I wonder how it works?'. Well this blog is here to answer some of those queries.
You may then wonder why I have chosen to call this 'no dice'. The title comes from paraphrasing a quote of Einstein's when asked about the proposed randomness of the quantum mechanics. To which his response was "God doesn't play dice". In this case Einstein is using 'God' not as the all powerful Judo-Christian God but as meaning the laws of nature and the universe. A similar meaning is used at the end of Stephen Hawking's book a brief history of time, "if we discover a complete theory [for the laws of the universe] . . . it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason, for then we should know the mind of God". For again the words 'mind of God' do not mean the mind of a supernatural being but the universe itself.
Thus in a long winded way I have linked my title to the idea that with there being no random element to the workings of the universe then everything can be known. And hopefully this blog will be a way of teaching some of those workings by displaying them in the technology around you in day to day life.
Imploring you to pursue knowledge